Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Spanish Versions - Biblical Boy Names

In my last post, I mentioned the popular use of the Spanish translations of biblical names in Mexico, but I only wrote about the ones that I thought were the most common.  In this post, I would love to mention a few more, starting with boys' names. Although there are literally hundreds of biblical names, and sites like can give you a long list, I chose the most common biblical names, adding in a few less common favorites.  The translations for these names come straight out of the Reina Valeria translation of the Bible, but I will give as many name variations as I know.  I also put an asterisk next to the names of people I have met.  Enjoy!

Adam - Adán
Abel - Abel* var. Abelino*
Seth - Set
Enos - Enós
Enoch - Enoc *
Jared - Jared
Mathuselah - Matusalén
Lamech - Lamec
Noah - Noé*
Abram - Abram
Abraham - Abraham
Ishmael - Ismael
Isaac - Isaac
Jacob - Jacob, var. Jacobo*
Ruben - Rubén*
Simeon - Simeón
Joseph - José,* var. Joselo*
Judah - Judá
Levi - Leví
Naphtali - Neftalí
Asher - Aser
Issachar - Isacar
Zebulon - Zabulón
Benjamin - Benjamín*
Israel - Israel
Ephraim - Efraín var. Efrén*
Manasseh - Manasés*
Shiloh - Siloh
Moses - Moisés
Aaron - Aarón
Gershom - Gersón* (The namesake I know spelled it without the accent and accented the first syllable.)
Joshua - Josué*
Caleb - Caleb
Isaiah - Isaías
Elijah - Elías*
Elisha - Eliseo
Jeremiah - Jeremías
Ezekiel - Ezekiel*
Daniel - Daniel*
David - David*
Nathan - Natán
Jonathan - Jonatán*
Solomon - Salomón
Samuel - Samuel
Ezra - Esdras
Jonah - Jonás
Nehemiah - Nehemías
Malachi - Malequías
Amos - Amós
Micah - Miquías
Matthew - Mateo 
Mark - Marcos* var. Marco*
Luke - Lucas var. Luca*
John - Juan*
Peter - Pedro*
Jesus - Jesús*
James - Santiago*
Simon - Simón
Timothy - Timoteo
Thomas - Tomás*
Titus - Tito*
Paul - Pablo*
Matthias - Matías
Stephen - Esteban*
Jude - Judas
Zachariah or Zachary - Zacarías

Although many of the Spanish variations only differ in pronunciation,  I see some real gems in the Spanish Biblia!  Would you prefer these names over their English versions?  Which biblical names should I add to the list?

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